The Famous Restaurant logo was designed to evoke a 1940's era brand.

The entry wall includes a hand-painted brick wall and a hand-lettered chalk board welcoming message for customers.

Customers enjoying cocktails and having a good time at The Famous Restaurant bar. Decor, glassware and barware all draw on the style and materials of the 1940's.

The Famous Restaurant logo was designed to evoke a 1940's era brand.
The Famous Restaurant brand development
The Famous Restaurant is a family-owned restaurant that pays homage to the family's grandfather, who immigrated to the US from Greece in 1935 and started the original Famous Restaurant in Pottsville, PA in 1948.
I worked closely with the owners to develop the restaurant's brand, including the logo, interior decor, wall art, chalk art and lettering. In addition I hand painted the logo on the entry's brick wall as a special greeting to guests. Glassware, dishware, and decor were all carefully chosen to evoke the 1940's era Famous Restaurant in Pottsville. A large 8' x 5' sepia-toned map of Pottsville, PA is the centerpiece of the restaurant. Photos of the family and the original Famous Restaurant were scanned in, sepia toned and framed uniquely to create visual interest and tell the family's story. Antiques are scattered throughout the restaurant to further lend the feel of the era and reclaimed antique glass was installed in the restroom doors and a wall divider.
The hallway floor leading to the restrooms was spray painted with graffiti to mimic a famous stretch of road, The Graffiti Highway, that runs between Pottsville, PA and a nearby town.